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  • Diagnosis, treatment of hypertension, and some considerations in the Military working environment

    Truong Dinh Cam

    Hypertension was a highly prevalent chronic disease and a leading cause of severe cardiovascular complications, including stroke, myocardial infarction, and heart failure… Its impact extends beyond individual health, affecting occupational performance and, in military settings, potentially compromising training quality, operational efficiency, and combat readiness. Early detection, timely intervention, and stringent health management of hypertensive individuals are critical in mitigating complication risks and preserving overall force health. Based on the document of the Ministry of Health (issued with Decision No. 3192/QD-BYT dated August 31, 2010) and the Recommendation of the Hypertension Association - Vietnam National Heart Association (VSH/VNHA) in 2022, this article introduces the content of diagnosis and management of hypertensive patients and some notes in the military environment for interested colleagues to refer to.